Forecaster Live

Predict the unpredictable with live sell-side dashboards based on Datasite's proprietary, aggregated, and anonymized transaction data.

Get exclusive M&A market insights

Macro outlook

Get a read on where the sell-side market is heading by watching deal trends at their inception – not their close. 

Top industry trends

 View market data by top 5 industries to assess your activity against the markets. 

Optimize deal timing

Compare new and historical sell-side trends to optimize market timing.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find the Forecaster Live App?

You can find the Forecaster Live App in the Apps page, try it now!

What’s a deal kick off? How do you define sell-side deals? How is sample size defined?

Deal Kickoff: The day a new data room is created on Datasite Diligence or Datasite Acquire. 

Sell-Side Deals: Financial Transactions that are categorized as an asset sale or merger by the deal administrator. 

Sample Size: Datasite supports 14,000+ financial transactions annually.

What does the Deal Kickoffs page show?

The Deal Kickoffs page lets you view large-scale (macro) trends of emerging deal activity. Select a period and a geographic theater to display trends in that time and place.

What does the Snapshots page show?

The Snapshots page lets you compare different industries or geographic theaters on a period-by-period basis. For instance, you can compare US deal kickoff activity in the first half of this year against the first half of last year.

How much does it cost?
Forecaster Live is a free service available to anyone. If you don’t have a Datasite project, you can sign up for a free account.
I’ve changed a filter – why does the display look the same?

You’ll need to refresh the display to apply your new filter. After selecting the segments you wish to view, click the Refresh arrow in the top right-hand corner. The display will update.

What data does the Forecaster use, and how?

The Forecaster uses Datasite’s proprietary data drawn from 14,000 deals per year and more than 2 million users, to provide robust and statistically sound insights. All data is aggregated and anonymized.

Can I access the underlying data, e.g. for a specific region or industry?

If you have a specific data request, please reach out to your Datasite contact. Please note that we can only provide data that is aggregated, anonymized, and statistically robust. If you would like to receive regular insights on specific market segments, please click the Sign Up button in the Forecaster.

Where can I sign up for periodic Forecaster Bites updates?

You can sign up for periodic Forecaster Bites updates by clicking the sign-up button in the Forecaster Live app.

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