Events & Webinars

What skills do dealmakers need in a volatile M&A market?

February 02, 2023 | Virtual Event

On-demand webinar, in partnership with Financial Times Live

The North American M&A market has entered a much more uncertain period and dealmakers must adopt new techniques and strategies in negotiations in order to complete a transaction. 

The M&A market unfolded at a breakneck speed since the start of 2021 but a number of factors are now weighing on activity – geopolitical turmoil, mounting inflation, a weak stock market and rising regulatory enforcement. Announced M&A volumes in the US slumped by more than 40% last year. Buyers are more cautious and are deploying new techniques to allocate risk, while acquirers are biding their time and undertaking greater due diligence on acquisition targets. 

How is economic and regulatory uncertainty impacting dealmaking? What are the best practices for dealmakers to adopt at this time? Are many deals being abandoned or paused? How much longer is it taking to complete on a deal? What will the hottest sectors be in 2023?

Join Datasite, in partnership with The Financial Times, for a discussion with senior industry experts. The panel will provide a key forward-looking market outlook for the North American M&A market and explore the risks and opportunities that this new dealmaking environment presents.

Topics include:
  • How is the current market impacting the negotiation process? Are many deals being paused or abandoned?
  • When and why do acquirers decide to abandon a deal or put it on hold? What are the best practices for dealmakers to adopt when putting a transaction on hold?
  • How do you get to successful deal completion in this market environment?
  • Are buyer-favorable earnouts becoming more common?
  • What will happen to ‘zombies’, companies that are in the process of merging with SPACs?
  • What are the cybersecurity risks in M&A transactions? Are dealmakers sufficiently aware of them? 
Click below to view the recording.
Karen Ashley
Karen Ashley

VP, Corporate Development Integration, Cisco


Marco Caggiano
Marco Caggiano

Head of North America M&A, JP Morgan


Jeff Markusson
Jeff Markusson

Sr MD, Financial Services, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan


Todd Albright, Chief Revenue Officer of Datasite
Todd Albright

General Manager, Datasite Enterprise


Sujeet Indap
Sujeet Indap

Wall Street Editor, FT
